Estate Planning Assessment and Overview

Estate planning involves working closely with an estate planning attorney to identify goals and objectives important to the client that can include, but is not limited to asset transfer at death, estate tax planning, asset protection, special needs, incapacitation and avoiding probate.

Once completed the estate plan can potentially have the creation of wills, trusts, powers of attorney, advanced health directives and life insurance. As time passes and circumstances change, it can become difficult to understand how your estate plan might work whether that is due to changes in legislation, growth in assets, new children or grandchildren, changes in life partners or some other unforeseen development.

Our estate planning assessment and overview will take your complex estate planning documents and marry them with your current finances. Our reports are visually aesthetic, easy to understand, full of important details and include actionable steps that you can take to improve your plan.

If you sign up for our data aggregation, we will be able to provide an updated report on your estate plan at a moment’s notice, assuming there have not been any changes to your estate documents.

Would you like to learn more?

Schedule a consultation at no cost here.